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What kind of plant is chervil (kupyr), where is it used and what is the benefit of it

Pothorn plant

Kupir plant, common chervil, buteneleaf or openwork kupir – this list of names implies the same type of grass. When talking about what kind of plant this is, it will be useful to refer to the translation of the name that is familiar to different countries. Translated from most languages, the word “chervil” means “fragrant herb,” which indicates its pleasant natural aroma.

Description, calorie content, chemical composition

Chervil openwork

Chervil openwork is an annual herbaceous plant with an umbrella structure. Today, several types of marigold are known, among which the most popular in our country are the tuberous, curly and smooth-leaved varieties. Interestingly, these types are absolutely identical in taste and aroma, and they differ only in appearance.

The plant is endowed with a fairly diverse chemical composition, in which a high content of essential oil predominates. It is this oil, rich in anethole, that gives chervil its inherent sweetish aniseed smell.

The composition of the herb contains high doses of carotene and glycosides, phytoncides and ascorbic acid, as well as other useful microelements, but in smaller quantities.

Speaking about the mineral composition of the plant, it is worth noting the significant content of copper, zinc, manganese and selenium, as well as an expanded vitamin complex of various groups. At the same time, per hundred grams of the plant there are approximately 230 Kcal, which is its energy value.

Smell andtaste

In many ways, the taste properties of ordinary chervil are reminiscent of the organoleptic characteristics of parsley, but in a more softened version.

At the same time, the herb is characterized by a slight spiciness and sweetness, which are successfully combined with the notes of anise, celery and licorice inherent in chervil.

The benefits and harms of the plant

During the study of kupir, its numerous beneficial properties were discovered, so quite often adherents of traditional medicine use it as a cure for many modern diseases. It has been proven that the plant, when used wisely, is endowed with the following healing properties:

  • Has an active diuretic effect;
  • Strengthens and protects the immune system during the cold season;
  • Used as an expectorant component;
  • Has a beneficial effect on the state of the circulatory and cardiovascular systems;
  • Promotes faster healing of wounds;
  • Helps to lose extra pounds;
  • Reduces inflammation and relieves pain of various types;
  • Endowed with a calming effect.

At the same time, the lacy sedum is almost completely harmless to the human body. If any contraindications to its use exist, then only for those who have an individual intolerance to its components.

In addition, the danger lies in the fact that chervil can be easily confused by its appearance with other, more harmful plants, for example, poisonous hemlock.


Chervil in cooking

Due to its numerous positive properties, as well as its wide distribution in many countries, chervil is actively used in folk medicine, cooking, and other related fields.

In folk medicine

Usually, for medicinal purposes, it is customary to brew tea based on chervil tincture. This tea can be drunk to generally strengthen the immune system, as well as to normalize digestion processes in the body.

In addition, chervil has good antiseptic properties, so if there are wounds, scratches or burns on the skin, they can be treated with squeezed chervil juice.

In addition, the herbaceous plant is useful in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • Inflammatory processes in the body;
  • Chronic hypertension;
  • Jaundice, liver disease;
  • Diseases of the urinary system;
  • Disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Arthritis, gout, other joint diseases;
  • Hydrocephalus.

The recipe for chervil infusion is quite simple. To do this, you need to take two tablespoons of dried herbs, pour a glass of boiling water over them, and then leave for one hour to infuse.

After this, the tincture is filtered and taken three times a day half an hour before meals.

In cooking

Openwork kupir has its own characteristic smell, which is pleasant in many first and second courses, but, in addition, it can enhance the taste of other seasonings present in the recipe.

The peculiarity of the plant is that with prolonged heat treatment, the smell loses its strength, so the herb is added to an almost finished dish.

Chervil can be found especially often in French dishes. The plant is included in a mixture of fragrant herbs called Fines herbes, which is then added to soups and main courses.

In the cuisine of the United States of America, kupir is used to enhance and diversify the taste of burgers, sandwiches, breakfasts, fried or baked fish, and poultry.

Fresh, not dried grass is often included in meat, mushroom and vegetable dishes, as well as classic pilaf, omelet and scrambled eggs. Chervil also often complements and flavors oils, sauces and vinegars, making their taste more intense.

What can be substituted in recipes?

In case of general intolerance or simply in the absence of chervil in stock, it can be replaced with one of the other ingredients:

  • Fennel. The greens of this herb are somewhat reminiscent of dill, but just like chervil, they are often used in all dishes that require cooking. The leaves and stem parts of fennel are commonly used in fresh salads;
  • Tarragon. Actively used in Baltic, French and Caucasian cuisine. If tarragon is used as a substitute for chervil, then its dosage should be halved;
  • Parsley. Externally, it is very difficult to distinguish between marigold and parsley, and the taste differences are insignificant. By analogy with chervil, parsley is usually added to hot dishes almost after they are ready.
  • Parsley. Plants that are similar in appearance, with a slight difference in taste, are interchangeable in recipes. This edible plant, like chervil, is added to hot dishes at the end of cooking.

Other Applications

In addition to medicine and cooking, chervil is useful in the production of numerous cosmetics for the skin of the face and body.

Creams containing marigold extract are designed to keep the epidermis in shape, tone the skin and protect it from inflammation and irritation.

Lace sedum is also used as a means of combating ants. To effectively get rid of annoying insects, you need to scatter several branches of grass around your house or apartment.

Sauces with chervil

There are several of the most popular mixtures for seasoning dishes that use chervil:

  • Italian sauce “Salsa verde” – marigold mixed with tarragon, thyme and parsley;
  • French Béarnaise sauce;
  • Fin-erb herbs – the recipe involves a mixture of several types of herbs: chives, tarragon, parsley and chervil itself.

How to grow

Chervil at home

In order to grow chervil relatively quickly and effectively, you need to stock up on its seeds in a specialized store.

The crop will need to be planted constantly, since chervil is an annual plant. Having planted marigold seeds in the ground, the appearance of the first grass sprouts can be expected within 2-3 weeks.

Before planting seeds, it is necessary to prepare the bed for sowing. To do this, gardeners use a special type of fertilizer that improves the growth of chervil.

The fertilizer consists of 5 kg of manure, 100 g of superphosphate, and 50 g of potassium sulfate. After processing the bed, you can start sowing, and when at least two leaves are noticeable on the emerging stems, it is necessary to thin out the plant, making the distance between the stems approximately 5-7 cm.

How to store

If you leave the kumir fresh, it will only last for a week. Small stocks of herbs can be wrapped in a damp cloth and placed in the special vegetable compartment of the refrigerator.

To extend the shelf life of the herb for a whole year in advance, you can freeze pre-washed chervil.

It is much less common to find dried chervil, since drying is a very inappropriate processing method for such a plant.

During drying, the herb loses a significant part of its beneficial properties, and is also stored for half as long as when frozen.

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