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Olive mayonnaise recipe at home

Olive oil

This is a mayonnaise recipe for olive oil lovers. There is one rule here, although this is more for those who like the bitter taste of Extra Virgin oil.

To prevent homemade mayonnaise with olive oil from becoming bitter at home, add Extra Virgin oil one to four with regular olive oil.

In fact, it is no different from ordinary homemade mayonnaise, only by the presence of olive oil in it. Now about how to make mayonnaise.

We will need:

  • Olive oil – 120 ml.
  • Olive oil Extra Virgin – 30 ml.
  • Raw yolk of one egg
  • Lemon juice – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Homemade mustard – 1 tsp.
  • Sugar – 1 h. l.
  • Salt, pepper to taste


  1. Make a mixture of pepper, sugar, mustard and lemon juice
  2. Add the yolk and, resting the foot of the blender on the bottom of the glass, begin to beat at low speed.
  3. At this time, mix both oils.
  4. As soon as the mixture begins to turn white, increase the speed and begin adding oil.
  5. Just not all at once and in a thin stream, the blender is whipping all the time.
  6. Homemade olive oil mayonnaise is ready!

 As you can see, preparingmayonnaise from olive oil at home is not that difficult. You can also mixolive and sunflower oils, but only refined (odorless) ones.

You yourself know about the benefits of olive oil. Our task is to teach you how to make olive mayonnaise yourself at home.

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