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How to make hollandaise sauce from egg yolks called Hollandaise. 10 delicious recipes with step-by-step cooking.

hollandaise sauce

History of appearance

Hollandaise sauce, or hollandaise, is a popular sauce originally from France. It is one of the five main sauces of fine French cuisine (also included are bechamel, veloute, espagnole and tomato sauce).

Many people think that the popular hollandaise sauce originated in the Netherlands. This is no wonder – the name seems to hint at the origin of the dish. In fact, the original sauce based on egg yolks was born in France and has no Dutch roots.

French hollandaise sauce was invented in the 17th century. It is known for certain that it appeared under King Louis XIV (reign from 1643 to 1715). The name of the creator is unknown, but hollandaise was first described in the book “The French Chef”, written by cook Francois Pierre de la Varenne. There it was recommended as an addition to green beans.

But not all French could repeat the recipe for egg hollandaise sauce described by de la Varenne. The problem is that the production of butter in the country was quite meager. The product had to be imported from Holland, the main producer of oil in the 17th century. This is where the name Hollandaise sauce actually comes from.

By the time France finally began making its own butter everywhere, egg yolk sauce for salad and asparagus had already become popular. The word Hollandaise has become popular, and local chefs decided not to change the official name of the dish.

There is, however, an alternative version – the sauce was called Dutch not because of the import of oil, but because it was invented during the Dutch War (from 1672 to 1678). Be that as it may, the birthplace of Hollandaise sauce is in any case France.

Classic recipe

hollandaise sauce

Anyone can make classic hollandaise sauce at home. A dish based on egg yolks has a simple recipe and consists of inexpensive, readily available ingredients. The main thing is to carefully follow the proportions of hollandaise sauce indicated below. This will allow you to get a delicate traditional taste.


  • egg yolks – 3 pcs.;
  • butter – 150 g;
  • water – 1 tbsp. L.;
  • lemon juice – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt – 1 pinch;
  • ground white pepper – 1 pinch.


  1. In a separate bowl, mix the yolks with salt and pepper. Add juice and cold water. Beat everything by hand (fork or whisk) until smooth.
  2. Melt the butter in a small saucepan. Turn off as soon as the oil becomes liquid – you must prevent it from boiling.
  3. Place the egg mixture in a water bath. This is done like this: you need to pour a little water into a larger saucepan and place another smaller saucepan inside. This small container contains the egg yolks. The bottom of the bowl with the yolks should not touch the water (this is important!) – otherwise they will simply cook and become hard.
  4. Lightly heat the yolks in a water bath, whisking continuously. It is necessary to warm the mixture for no longer than 2 minutes.
  5. When the future sauce becomes warm (but not hot), slowly pour in the melted butter. Continue beating until smooth.
  6. Remove from heat before the hollandaise becomes hot and begins to cook.

Instead of white pepper, you can use black pepper, which is easier to buy. But then the white hollandaise sauce will contain dark grains and look less aesthetically pleasing. And there are no taste differences.

The dish should be served immediately after preparation. As it cools, it becomes very thick. But if necessary, the hollandaise can be heated, and it will again acquire a liquid consistency.

For eggs Benedict

eggs benedict with hollandaise sauce

Many people know this classic recipe – eggs Benedict. It’s essentially a poached egg sandwich on a yeasted bun, often (but not always) topped with salted fish or ham. It is for eggs Benedict that hollandaise sauce is most often made in France.


  • egg yolks – 3 pcs.;
  • butter – 150 g;
  • lemon juice – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • grape vinegar – 2 tbsp. l.


  1. Beat the yolks thoroughly with a whisk.
  2. In a small saucepan, mix vinegar and juice. Boil.
  3. As soon as it boils, remove from heat and slowly, in a thin stream, pour into the yolks, constantly whisking them.
  4. Melt the butter.
  5. Also slowly pour the liquid oil into the egg mixture, stirring with a fork.
  6. Whisk the hollandaise sauce into the poached egg until smooth. You can do this by hand or use a blender.

When making Hollandaise sauce for breakfast using this recipe, many people add egg whites to it. They are whipped separately until a thick foam forms, and at the end of cooking, they are poured into the hollandaise.

For meat and fish

fish with hollandaise sauce

Egg-butter sauce for fish or meat can be prepared not only according to the classic recipe. For example, this step-by-step recipe for hollandaise sauce involves adding wine. The dressing turns out to be more piquant and unusual.


  • egg yolks – 3 pcs.;
  • butter – 120 g;
  • water – 1 tbsp. L.;
  • white wine (dry) – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon juice – 1 tsp;
  • salt – 1 pinch;
  • ground white pepper – 1 pinch.

How to make the sauce:

  1. Beat the yolks until a little foam appears.
  2. Add cool water, juice and wine. Stir.
  3. Sprinkle with pepper and salt. You can also add other spices to your taste (but not much so as not to overwhelm the main taste). Stir again.
  4. Melt the butter. You can do this in a regular microwave.
  5. Place the egg mixture in a water bath. Heat for 2-3 minutes, stirring continuously.
  6. Gradually pour melted butter into the warm yolks, continuing to stir. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, remove from heat.

To the asparagus

asparagus with hollandaise sauce

Hollandaise sauce with asparagus is a traditional combination that is very popular in European countries. And preparing Hollandaise for beans is no more complicated than other recipes. This hollandaise sauce is prepared using a technology that differs only from the classic one.


  • egg yolks – 3 pcs.;
  • butter – 150 g;
  • water – 2 tbsp. L.;
  • lemon juice – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sol – 0.5 h. l.;
  • sugar – 1 pinch;
  • mixture of ground peppers – 1 pinch.

How to prepare the sauce:

  1. Combine the yolks, butter and cold water in a saucepan. It is better to cut the butter into cubes to melt faster.
  2. Place on low heat. Stirring continuously, cook until thickened. You cannot bring it to a boil – if the future dressing starts to boil, you must immediately remove it from the heat.
  3. Turn off the fire.
  4. Add lemon juice, sugar, salt and spices. Stir thoroughly with a spoon or fork until smooth.

Asparagus for hollandaise sauce is usually prepared as follows. Small bunches of 5-8 pods need to be tied into a knot with a feather of green onions so that the beans hold together well. Then place it in boiling salted water. When the asparagus is ready, all you have to do is place it on a plate and pour over the hollandaise (or serve it in a separate sauceboat).

With lemon juice

Although lemon juice is included in most hollandaise recipes, including the classic one, there is a separate hollandaise recipe in which lemon juice occupies a special position. It is added in larger quantities and is not covered with spices. The result is a sauce with citrus sourness, which completely transforms its usual taste.


  • egg yolks – 2 pcs.;
  • butter – 150 g;
  • water – 2 tbsp. L.;
  • lemon juice – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt – 1 pinch.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Mix the yolks and cool water in a deep bowl. Beat thoroughly with a whisk until completely homogeneous.
  2. Melt the butter in any convenient way (microwave is also suitable).
  3. Place the eggs in a water bath. Make sure that the container with the yolks rises above the water level and does not touch the bottom.
  4. Stirring frequently with the same whisk, heat over low heat. Do not bring to a boil.
  5. Pour liquid oil in a thin stream into the heated yolks. Stir continuously while doing this.
  6. Immediately after the oil, add lemon juice and salt.
  7. Stirring, cook a little more until the hollandaise thickens to the desired consistency. Then immediately move it off the heat to the side.

With vinegar

The vinegar recipe for delicious hollandaise sauce differs from other cooking methods in taste and aroma. It comes out a little sharper, more reminiscent of mayonnaise. This variation goes well with meat, including shish kebab and barbecue.


  • egg yolks – 4 pcs.;
  • butter – 130 g;
  • lemon – 0.5 pcs.;
  • vinegar (9%) – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sol – 0.5 h. l.;
  • ground black pepper – 1 pinch.

How to do:

  1. Melt the butter.
  2. Mix the yolks with vinegar, salt and pepper. You can add a pinch of sugar to balance the acetic acid, but this is not necessary – you should rely on your own taste.
  3. Place the egg mixture in a water bath. Keep on low heat for 3 minutes, stirring continuously with a whisk.
  4. Pour in the melted butter little by little, stirring with the same whisk.
  5. Immediately after adding the oil, remove the hollandaise from the heat.
  6. Squeeze half a lemon directly into the container with hollandaise. Stir thoroughly.

It is not advisable to replace fresh lemon in this recipe with store-bought juice. If you use this concentrated juice from a bottle, the dish will turn out too sour.

With mustard

Hollandaise sauce with Dijon mustard

A quick recipe for Hollandaise sauce with mustard is an unusual version of the dish that will appeal to lovers of spicy and piquant dressings.


  • egg yolks – 3 pcs.;
  • butter – 170 g;
  • water – 2 tbsp. L.;
  • lemon juice – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Dijon mustard – 1 tsp;
  • salt – 1 pinch.


  1. Finely chop the butter. Melt in the microwave or on the stove until completely liquid.
  2. Mix the yolks, water and half the lemon juice in a bowl. Place in a water bath and bring to a boil over low heat.
  3. Immediately after boiling, reduce heat to low. Beat with an immersion mixer or a regular whisk until foam forms.
  4. Slowly pour in the melted butter while continuing to whisk.
  5. Thicken the hollandaise sauce by keeping it on low heat for another 2-3 minutes.
  6. Remove the sauce from the water bath. Strain through a fine-mesh sieve (optional, but helps make the dish more tender and airy).
  7. Add the other half of the juice and mustard. Mix.

Connoisseurs of spiciness can add strong mustard to thick hollandaise sauce instead of Dijon. It will not overpower the tenderness of the yolks and butter, but will only complement the rich taste of Hollandaise.

With capers


Another great option to make hollandaise sauce is with the addition of capers. This is an easy way to make a savory dressing from hollandaise sauce, good for meat and fish dishes, as well as salads.


  • egg yolks – 3 pcs.;
  • butter – 200 g;
  • water – 2 tbsp. L.;
  • lemon – 0.5 pcs.;
  • capers – 15 g.


  1. Chop the butter into small cubes. Place in a water bath together with the yolks.
  2. Stir until the butter cubes are completely melted. Immediately after this, reduce the heat to low.
  3. Continue whisking the mixture until smooth.
  4. Remove from heat. Season with salt and squeeze the juice of half a lemon into the future dish.
  5. Squeeze the capers thoroughly from the brine. Chop as finely as possible and add to the sauce.
  6. Mix everything thoroughly.

It is better to heat the capers on the stove or in the microwave before adding them to the sauce. After all, if you add them cold to a hot mixture, due to the temperature difference, the sauce risks stratifying and losing its delicate creamy texture.


One of the most original ways to prepare complex hollandaise sauce is hollandaise sauce with oranges. Sweetish, delicate and with a noticeable citrus aroma, it goes perfectly with poultry dishes and many other culinary masterpieces.


  • egg yolks – 3 pcs.;
  • butter – 250 g;
  • water – 2 tbsp. L.;
  • orange (preferably red) – 2 pcs.;
  • lemon – 0.5 pcs.;
  • grape vinegar – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt – 1 pinch;
  • white peppercorns – 1 tsp;
  • cayenne pepper – 1 pinch.


  1. Melt the butter.
  2. Combine water, vinegar and peppercorns in a heavy-bottomed saucepan. Place on fire and bring to a boil.
  3. Reduce heat and simmer for 1 minute.
  4. Cool slightly and strain into a metal bowl. You can throw away the peas – they will no longer be needed.
  5. Add the yolks to the same bowl. Beat well until foamy.
  6. Place the bowl in a water bath. Cook over low heat for 5 minutes, whisking continuously with a simple whisk.
  7. Remove from heat. Pour in the cooled butter in a thin stream and beat a little more until smooth.
  8. Squeeze juice from oranges and lemon. Add it to the future sauce along with salt and cayenne pepper. Mix.

For piquancy, you can add a pinch of orange zest, grated on a fine grater, to the hollandaise. And cayenne pepper, in principle, can be replaced with regular black pepper – the dish will still turn out very spicy.

Recipe from Gordon Ramsay

It is worth considering the recipe for hollandaise sauce from chef Gordon Ramsay. This world-famous, shocking cook prepared Hollandaise twice. First, he showed the audience the classic recipe, but instead of lemon juice he added apple cider vinegar. But the second time, I presented my own recipe.


  • egg yolks – 4 pcs.;
  • butter – 100 g;
  • olive oil – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • grapefruit juice – 100 ml;
  • grapefruit peel – 1 tbsp. L.;
  • ground coriander – 1 tsp;
  • salt – 1 pinch;
  • ground white pepper – 1 pinch.


  1. Grind the butter. Place together with the yolks, coriander and grated zest in a heatproof bowl.
  2. Add half the grapefruit juice there.
  3. Place in a water bath. Continuously whisking, simmer over low heat for 3-4 minutes (until thickened).
  4. Remove from heat. Add olive oil in parts (a tablespoon at a time), whisking vigorously without stopping.
  5. Add salt and remaining juice. Mix.

What to eat and where to add

meat with hollandaise sauce

You can serve hollandaise with almost anything. Its taste is universal, and when consuming it, you should focus only on personal preferences.

But to set a delicious table in French, it’s worth finding out what hollandaise sauce is served with in its homeland. Traditionally in France they add hollandaise to dishes from the following list:

  • eggs Benedict or poached;
  • fried fish (usually bream), served with cherry tomatoes and spinach;
  • boiled asparagus;
  • boiled broccoli (add capers when serving);
  • Sharon sauce, which is served with meat and vegetables (made from Hollandaise sauce, onions and tomato paste).

Of course, the list of what hollandaise sauce goes with doesn’t end there. Although traditionally made for breakfast, Hollandaise is also great for dinner. The wonderful flavor combination of hollandaise sauce with fish and meat allows you to serve it with almost anything.

Cooks (not only home cooks, but also professionals) often serve Hollandaise with the following dishes:

  • eggs prepared in any way (poached, regular boiled, even scrambled eggs);
  • meat in French;
  • veal medallions;
  • fish (fried, stewed and boiled);
  • grilled vegetables;
  • vegetable stew;
  • vegetable salads (especially cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes);
  • fresh greens.

Hollandaise is also often used as a base for other, more complex and rich dressings. For example, if you add hollandaise to regular cheese sauce, you will get a delicious egg-cheese spaghetti sauce. Many people claim that egg-cheese sauce goes perfectly with any pasta.

And some even use egg shawarma sauce and add hollandaise to Caesar salad. It suits well instead of the usual dressings of these dishes.

Hollandaise can be used to prepare not only egg-cheese sauce for pasta. It can also be added to tomato and cheese sauces for flour and grain products.

And if you replace regular butter with ghee, the hollandaise sauce will acquire oriental notes and become a surprisingly organic addition to Indian dishes. Hollandaise sauce with ghee can be found even in expensive restaurants.

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